One of my habits when presented with a new framework/platform is to implement a problem I know like the back of my hand. Usually the user interface isn’t of concern so I haven’t done much to improve on the logic there. I decided to try something different with this implementation of Tic-Tac-Toe:
Given the following
I used the following logic to determine the coordinates from a user click
var clickHandler = function(e){
//Recieves a plan/jQuery managed event object
var element =;
var parent = element.parentNode;
var x,y;
//Below is fine for 0-9 scenario's but will need to be refactored for more
//advanced/larger grids.
y = element.classNames().detect(function(cls) { if( /y\d/.match(cls)){ return true; }})[1];
x = parent.classNames().detect(function(cls) { if( /x\d/.match(cls)){ return true;}})[1];
console.log("Coordinate " + x + "," + y);
The cool thing about this, is that with jQuery I can do jQuery(“#myTable tr.x2 td.y0”) and get the exact cell I am looking for… or even crazier stuff like:
“#myTable td.y0” to select vertically down a row
“#myTable tr.x0” to select horizontally.