Tag Archives: dcdb

DCDB post-mortem

I went into writing DCDB with little or no plan besides building it around dataclasses. The result is a bit rough and precarious.

That said I think I am going to progress onward with making a DCDB2 library that will change a few things. The first would be to completely separate the DCDB tables themselves from the SQL processing logic in a way similar to sqlalchemy’s session system. I do have some other changes in mind, notably a better separation between the ORM domain classes and business logic as well as changes to how relationship’s work.

On the subject of relationship handling. That one would be a bit more complicated as the DCDB2 design idea I had was to use placeholders for the relationship (what does it connect too and in what way), then have the real instrumented handlers created and assigned to a constructed domain class. That last sentence is a bit painful to read which tells me I need to mull that one over a bit more. Regardless, the hack I put together in DCDB was just way too fragile.

Python dataclass database (DCDB)


While I do use sqlalchemy and to some extent peewee for my projects, I slowly got tired of having to relearn how to write SQL when I’ve known SQL since the mid-90’s.

DCDB’s design is also aiming for simplicity and minimal behind the scenes automagical behaviors.   Instead complexity should be added voluntarily and in such a way that it can be traced back.   


import dataclasses as dcs
import dcdb 

class Foo:

db = dcdb.DBConnection(":memory:") # alternatively this can be a file path
   Bind doesn't change Foo in the local scope but instead
   it creates a new class DCDB_Foo which is stored to the DBConnection in it's 
   table registry.

   Behind the scenes, a table `Foo` is created to the connected database.  No changes to the name are made (eg pluralization). How you wrote your bound dataclasses is almost exactly how it is stored in the sqlite database.

   An exception is that a .id instance property along with DB methods like: update/save, Create, Get, and Select are added to the class definition.

record = db.t.Foo(name="Bob", age="44")
assert record.name == "Bob"
same_record = db.t.Foo.Get("name=?", "Bob")
assert record.age == 44
assert record.id == same_record.id

record.age = 32

same_record = db.t.Foo.Get("age=?", 32)
assert record.id == same_record.id
assert same_record.age == 32


Note it is important to notice that currently same_record and 
record have the same .id # property but they are different 
instances and copies of the same record with no shared reference.   
Changes to one copy will not reflect with the other.


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