Second thoughts on the ZMQInline logic

Initially I was going to set the experiment with ZMQInline aside but I am starting to realize that it does have some merits.

Below is a burnout test I did using dotGraph ( current name candidate )

    def do_kickstart(self):
        for i in range(1, 100):
                    self.log.debug("Process Loop {0}".format(i))
                    response = yield Request(self.control, RequestKickstart(), timeout = 5000)
                except TimedoutError:

                except Exception:
                    self.log.exception("Unexpected exception")
                    self.log.debug("Got "+ repr(response))

                    if RespondWithKickstart.Matches(response):
                        self.log.debug("Got Kickstart!")
            except Exception as e:
                self.log.error("Caught an exception leak {0}".format(e))


In Dotgraph, Kickstart is the first task both client’s and services need to accomplish and it’s basically “Hello I am here, who do I talk to?”. Depending on the Kickstart response, clients and services might be sent to a completely different host, port set. The idea is that if DotGraph needs to grow, it can have an array of slave hubs and then delegate new client’s to the most underbooked.

One thing I realized is that the above structure would perfect for doing standoff logic ( attempt, time out…wait, attempt N seconds later). Of course it begs the question of WHY the other party hasn’t responded in time ( are they down or just backlogged? ). Other problem is how to do unit-testing cleanly? Still, I haven’t thrown it away yet so maybe I will find a use for it in DotGraph.