A Tour de Force with Sencha Touch v2

The team I am working with just passed the 1,000 man hour mark on a flagship Mobile application using Sencha Touch version 2 pr3 and phone gap. Until the business people make a PR statement I can’t say much… so in the interim, things I’ve discovered.

  1. Don’t trust Ext.Loader to get it right – eventually using some cheap tricks I wrote an automatic dependancy handler that writes script tags in the correct order for all needed components. Holding @ 12K lines of JS and the “good” mobile devices are performent
  2. Ext.layout.Vbox will test your sanity – http://www.sencha.com/forum/showthread.php?140185-vbox-gives-components-0-height-hbox-gives-components-0-width Their is a provided solution but I’ve found it’s best to use a Ext.env or Ext.os controlled magic height/width variables instead of relying soley on the rendering logic to get it right
  3. I re-implemented this ExtJS 4 widget in Sencha Touch 2. My original estimate was 2.5 hours but that became 12 hours later to learn the Ext.component system to get it right. At this point I’ve read 60% of Sencha Touch’s source code, line by line, so I guess this was a positive serendipity tour. That said, you’re going to pay dearly to make exotic custom components until some more tools are ported from ExtJS4 to Sencha Touch
  4. Last, Android’s mobile rendering engine is the MSIE of Smart phones.

On a sadder note, I am finally breaking down and purchasing an Apple computing device of some sort as the jail break toolchain I’ve got isn’t exactly professional grade.