Tag Archives: python3

Slimmed down twisted compatible reloader script

Working on txweb again, I decided to give it a real flask/django style reloader script. Directly inspired by <a href=”
https://blog.elsdoerfer.name/2010/03/09/twisted-twistd-autoreload/ “>this</a> blog post I decided to cut down on the extraneous bits and also change what files it watched.


Python 3 – abusing annotations

Since my retirement a few years ago my habit of trying out sometimes useless or convoluted ideas has gone up a few notches.

Latest discovery is that `inspect.signature()` passes parameter annotations straight through. With a bit of function decorator hackery, you can get positional/keyword instrumented transformers.

def some_func(always_str:str):
   print(f"always_str is {type(always_str)} with a value of {repr(always_str)}")

always_str is  with a value of "'123'"

another example

def reversed_str(raw):
    if not isinstance(raw, str):
        raw = str(raw)

    return raw[::-1]

def goofy_func(bizarro:reversed_str):
    return bizarro

assert goofy_func("Hello World") == "dlroW olleH"

A working proof of concept

In one of my pet projects, I have a method with a signature like `def process_request(self, action:SomeClass.FromDict)` which takes a dictionary for the `action` parameter and passes that to SomeClass.FromDict which then returns a instance of `SomeClass`.

In another case, when dealing with Twisted in Python3 and that all strings are type `` I used something like the magic_decorator above and a transformer `SafeStr` (ex. def do_something(name:SafeStr)` to ensure that the name parameter is ALWAYS of type str. Anecdotally Python3 blows up if you try to do something like .startswith()`.

Grand scheme I think this is an interesting quirk but if my comments and wording isn’t clear, I would prescribe caution if using this in revenue generating code (or code intended to make you wealthy or at least provide money for pizza & beer).

Flask list routes (rake equivalent).

While working on a pet project I really wanted a rails rake equivalent for Flask.

Googling led to http://flask.pocoo.org/snippets/117/ which gave me enough direction to figure out how to make that work with Python 3.5 and Flask 0.12.

The biggest problem I had with that snippet is that it didn’t account for URL variable rules.


as it would blow up because werkzeug & Flask sanitize inputs to ensure they match the expected type.

I started doing some seriously crazy stuff like monkey patching the rules temporarily to make
ALL converters run through a String/Unicode converter. It’s at this point that I noticed in dbgp (symbolic debugger) that it was naturally converting the rules to strings.

def list_routes():
        Roll through Flask's URL rules and print them out
        Thank you to Jonathan Tushman
            And Thank you to Roger Pence
            Sourced http://flask.pocoo.org/snippets/117/ "Helper to list routes (like Rail's rake routes)"

        Note that a lot has possibly changed since that snippet and rule classes have a __str__
            which greatly simplifies all of this

    format_str = lambda *x: "{:30s} {:40s} {}".format(*x)#pylint: disable=W0108
    clean_map = defaultdict(list)

    for rule in App.url_map.iter_rules():
        methods = ",".join(rule.methods)
        clean_map[rule.endpoint].append((methods, str(rule),))

    print(format_str("View handler", "HTTP METHODS", "URL RULE"))
    for endpoint in sorted(clean_map.keys()):
        for rule, methods in sorted(clean_map[endpoint], key=lambda x: x[1]):
            print(format_str(endpoint, methods, rule))

Example output

View handler                   HTTP METHODS                             URL RULE
Equipment                      /equipment/                              OPTIONS,POST
Equipment                      /equipment/                              HEAD,OPTIONS,GET
Equipment                      /equipment/               HEAD,OPTIONS,GET,PUT,DELETE
index                          /                                        HEAD,OPTIONS,GET
static                         /static/                  HEAD,OPTIONS,GET

os.walk for pathlib.Path

I needed the pathlib equivalent to os.walk so I went to the source code for os.walk and reimplemented it to use pathlib instead

def path_walk(top, topdown = False, followlinks = False):
         See Python docs for os.walk, exact same behavior but it yields Path() instances instead
    names = list(top.iterdir())

    dirs = (node for node in names if node.is_dir() is True)
    nondirs =(node for node in names if node.is_dir() is False)

    if topdown:
        yield top, dirs, nondirs

    for name in dirs:
        if followlinks or name.is_symlink() is False:
            for x in path_walk(name, topdown, followlinks):
                yield x

    if topdown is not True:
        yield top, dirs, nondirs

yes there is Path.glob(“**”) but I like how os.walk is structured and this passes my unit-tests.

dirs and nondirs are generators out of habit. List comprehensions would likely be better and it’s almost impossible to avoid the overhead memory cost so having them as is, is just personal preference.