Tag Archives: flask

Portable/reusable flask app skeleton

I have a lot of Flask apps running in the background on my home server to do various tasks (home wiki, some CRM stuff, etc) and I end up making the same structure over and over so I figured I would simplify the process and make a repo with just the skeleton of an app.

A few benefits:

  1. as long as you use relative imports . and .. (eg from .. import app) your web application is name agnostic.
  2. The flask application instance of Flask() can be accessed from anywhere in the web application without a risk of circular import problems.
  3. It’s entirely possible to copy and paste web application modules (eg models) into another web application and it will mostly just work (baring configuration needs).


import logging
import sys
from flask import Flask

app:Flask = Flask(__name__)
log:logging.Logger = None

def create_app(config=None)->Flask:
    global app, log
    from . import conf

    log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    fmt = logging.Formatter(app.config['APP_LOGGING_FMT'])
    hndl = app.config['APP_LOGGING_HANDLER']  # type: logging.Handler
    log.propagate = False
    log.handlers.clear() # This removes flask's default handler
    log.debug(f"{__name__} loading components")

    from . import lib
    from . import models
    from . import views
    from . import settings

    return app


This is the __init__.py file in the base of the web app. To use it with flask you would do something like this on the commandline

#>set FLASK_RUN_PORT=1234
#>set FLASK_APP = "webapp:create_app()"
#>set FLASK_ENV = development
#>python -m flask run
#>flask run

The FLASK_APP environment variable is documented here https://flask.palletsprojects.com/en/1.1.x/cli/#application-discovery and it’s pretty straight forward module:function_name() where function_name is defined in module/__init__.py

The reason for having the imports for lib models views settings in create_app is to prevent a circular import and allow sub modules like views to do from .. import app to access the Flask application instance.

Flask CRUD with sqlalchemy and jinja2 contextfilters

Quick disclaimer, the Flask CRUD thing is not public domain yet and is very volatile.

The project is here
And the outline for the crud thing is in this commit https://github.com/devdave/wfmastery/commit/e249895ddc53c0696f59d3def5718e76855af5b9


First is how the crud is currently constructed

class Equipment(CrudAPI):

    def populate(self):

        self.record_cls = db.Equipment
        self.identity = "equipment"

        self.template_form = "equipment_form.j2.html"
        self.template_list = "equipment_list.j2.html"

        self._listColumn("name", magic_field="magic-string")
        self._listColumn("pretty_name", magic_field="magic-string")

        self._addRelationship("category", "name", magic_field="magic-filter")
        self._addRelationship("subcategory", "name", magic_field="magic-filter")

both vars “template_form” and “template_list” are going to be preset once I am certain that the templates can stand on their own with the context vars provided. The “magic-” params and their use are very much magic (eg really toxic) and would recommend ignoring them.

From there the CrudAPI takes over. Skipping ahead to how this relates to context filters. I had this tag mess here in the template

-{%-      for column_name in origin.list_columns -%}
 -{%-          if column_name in origin.magic_columns -%}
 -        {{ cell("", column_name|title, classes=origin.magic_columns[column_name]) -}}
 -{%-          else -%}
 -        {{ cell("", column_name|title) -}}
 -{%          endif %}
 -{%-      endfor %}

and was really not happy with it. So I dived into Flask and Jinja2’s documentation and code to figure out if I could apply Python code inline.

The answer is yes via jinja2’s contextfilters which are not exposed to Flask but can still be used.

def render_header(context, column_name, value="", **kwargs):
    result = ""
    if column_name in context['origin'].magic_columns:
        result = context['cell'](value, column_name.capitalize(), classes=context['origin'].magic_columns[column_name])
        result = context['cell'](value, column_name.capitalize())

    return result


The trick to going from filter to contextfilter is just applying `my_func.contextfilter = True` outside of your functions scope. From there you have access to almost everything (if not everything). The var “origin” is the CrudAPI’s instance passed to the template.

This has opened a lot more opportunities to do clean up. Taking

{% macro data_attributes(data_map, prefix="data-") -%}

    {%- for name, value in data_map.items() -%}
    {{" "}}{{prefix}}{{name}}="{{value}}"
    {%- endfor -%}
{%- endmacro %}

{% macro cell(name, value, classes=None, data_attrs={}) %}
      {{- caller() if caller else value -}}
  {%- endmacro -%}

and condensing it down to

{% macro cell(name, value, classes=None, data_attrs={}) %}
    {{- caller() if caller else value -}}
{%- endmacro -%}

via a simple non-context filter

def dict_to_attributes(attributes, prefix=None):
    results = []
    name2dash = lambda *x: "-".join(x)
    format_str = "%s-{}=\"{}\"" % prefix if prefix else "{}=\"{}\""

    for key, value in attributes.items():
        results.append(format_str.format(key, value))

    #TODO disable autoescape
    return " ".join(results)

Just note that at the moment output is still managed by Jinja’s autoescape and I’d rather not shut that off so calls MUST be suffixed with “|safe” as used above.

As for the Crud API, I feel like that is coming along nicely.

Flask list routes (rake equivalent).

While working on a pet project I really wanted a rails rake equivalent for Flask.

Googling led to http://flask.pocoo.org/snippets/117/ which gave me enough direction to figure out how to make that work with Python 3.5 and Flask 0.12.

The biggest problem I had with that snippet is that it didn’t account for URL variable rules.


as it would blow up because werkzeug & Flask sanitize inputs to ensure they match the expected type.

I started doing some seriously crazy stuff like monkey patching the rules temporarily to make
ALL converters run through a String/Unicode converter. It’s at this point that I noticed in dbgp (symbolic debugger) that it was naturally converting the rules to strings.

def list_routes():
        Roll through Flask's URL rules and print them out
        Thank you to Jonathan Tushman
            And Thank you to Roger Pence
            Sourced http://flask.pocoo.org/snippets/117/ "Helper to list routes (like Rail's rake routes)"

        Note that a lot has possibly changed since that snippet and rule classes have a __str__
            which greatly simplifies all of this

    format_str = lambda *x: "{:30s} {:40s} {}".format(*x)#pylint: disable=W0108
    clean_map = defaultdict(list)

    for rule in App.url_map.iter_rules():
        methods = ",".join(rule.methods)
        clean_map[rule.endpoint].append((methods, str(rule),))

    print(format_str("View handler", "HTTP METHODS", "URL RULE"))
    for endpoint in sorted(clean_map.keys()):
        for rule, methods in sorted(clean_map[endpoint], key=lambda x: x[1]):
            print(format_str(endpoint, methods, rule))

Example output

View handler                   HTTP METHODS                             URL RULE
Equipment                      /equipment/                              OPTIONS,POST
Equipment                      /equipment/                              HEAD,OPTIONS,GET
Equipment                      /equipment/               HEAD,OPTIONS,GET,PUT,DELETE
index                          /                                        HEAD,OPTIONS,GET
static                         /static/                  HEAD,OPTIONS,GET